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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ She brazenly admitted she had spent the night with Greg.
▪ At first I was brazenly happy, bullish with solipsistic joy; yet most of the time I was puzzlingly, naggingly unhappy.
▪ He'd thrown away his last hope, flipped his cards brazenly on the table.
▪ He could afford this, for the royal household had brazenly looked after its own.
▪ His love was capricious, brazenly conditional and in permanently short supply.
▪ Quote a Latin tag at him by mistake and he will examine his shoes or smile brazenly back at you.
▪ She got back in the bed wet through, and sat up brazenly as the young girl brought the tray in.
▪ The last time that I heard that argument so brazenly presented was by Mr. Neville Chamberlain's spokesman before the war.
▪ Truly unaware, some brazenly buttoned their flies as they walked out of the lavatory into the corridor.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brazenly \Bra"zen*ly\, adv. In a bold, impudent manner.


adv. In a brazen manner.


adv. in a brazen manner; "he spoke brazenly"

Usage examples of "brazenly".

Petronius pointed out wryly that at least we knew most of the people Spindex brazenly mocked had predeceased him, so they were not suspects.

Prime Predictor Aesoe, acting through Bendaein, was brazenly asking him to make his Contribution to the Race, a sacrifice move in some larger strategy.

Shirley Stiller, and here she was brazenly claiming to be Lorene Spritzer.

Throughout the years, it remained a dazzling white fortress of taste and calm, with an elegant double bowfront, striped emerald lawns, pergolas and a maze, and garish red and blue flags fluttering brazenly between pyramids of hyacinths all along its battlements.

Torvald, for instance, one of the chief Grays, moved rather brazenly into MacDougal Alley near Washington Square a couple of months ago, chasing all the Greens away from the park.

American detachment had plunged brazenly en masse onto this bleached-out stretch of multilane highway.

Brazenly now she held up her outsized bloomers to the light and arranged them on the ironing board.

When an interpreter was called for, the only people capable of helping proved to be other members of the Asis family, which might or might not have been acceptable to the defence, but in the end didn't matter because the family simply refused to speak or listen to the two brazenly shameless, marriage-wrecking hussies who had once been their daughters, and no threat of being charged with contempt of court was going to change their minds.

Teal ambled bulkily into the nearest car, and quite brazenly the Saint followed him.

And sometimes Koli women, their hands stinking of pomfret guts and crabmeat, jostle arrogantly to the head of a Colaba bus‑queue, with their crimson (or purple) saris hitched brazenly up between their legs, and a smarting glint of old defeats and dispossessions in their bulging and somewhat fishy eyes.

Anna thrilled at the thought of holding an auction sale right here on the mouth of the Mississippi, crying brazenly to the ships around them, announcing to everyone that the Petit Jour was laden with African muscle that would ease their labour, slaves to make Louisiana rich!

Jill's final words to President Byrnes, spoken so coolly, so brazenly.

So you let him severely alone after a bit, and go to stand across the street, your neatly wrapped art studies under your arm, and leaning against the trunk of a eucalyptus tree, you stare brazenly past him into the city of wonders.

While she had every confidence in the prowess of the godlike creature who thus dared brazenly to face the king of beasts, she had no false conception of what must certainly happen when they met.

Why was he so afraid of scandal when he saw me that he didn't even bow once, whereas with them he went wild and kowtowed quite brazenly?