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n. A little brat.

Usage examples of "bratling".

What he saw brought him up short, for here was a sight that wrenched all thought of the bratling from his mind in aught but the blink of an eye.

Qiwi was in many of the dreams, sometimes the bratling, sometimes as she had been when she killed Tomas Nau.

He swore every oath imaginable at her, insolently ordering her to be off with her child, and find lodgings with the villain to whom she had prostituted herself, or else he would soon pitch her and her little bratling into the Thames.

If I were to rule in your favor, would Martha Fisher be the next bratling in a long and everlasting line of infant supermen applying to this and that and the other Court to have their legal majority ruled, each of them pointing to your case as having established precedence?

I don't know every Ozarine bratling isn't brought up on tales of mysterious and romantic Grotum?

He, Lord Bannor the Bold, master of Elsinore, pride of the English and terror of the French, was a prisoner in his own castle, held captive by an army of bratlings.

Sarcasm, this—Greyboar drew the line at throttling sprouts, save the occasional bratling.