adv. In a brassy manner.
Usage examples of "brassily".
Ejected cartridges rattled brassily on the metal floor as the group tested the action of their handguns and rifles.
The new knocker and letter-box gleamed brassily, there was the same dull light behind the button of the chimes.
The scene was picked out now and again by shafts of roasting sunlight funnelling down brassily above an occasional cauliflower top or through a chasm in the cloud-curtain.
Reality, which I had thought had finally solidified, once more had brassily shattered.
The wild notes of the charge echoed brassily from the boulders that studded both slopes of the pass.
The last few empty cartridges to jump from the ejector mechanism tinkled brassily on the rocks.
The door opened, and the little drummer, looking like a rather lewd schoolteacher, came in brassily snapping her fingers.
Next to the revolver, a single bullet shone brassily in feeble desk light.
Millions of rustling grass-blades made one murmuring sound, and thousands of wild ducks and geese and herons and cranes and pelicans were talking sharply and brassily in the wind.
Ejected cartridges rattled brassily on the metal floor as the group tested the action of their handguns and rifles.
The new knocker and letter-box gleamed brassily, there was the same dull light behind the button of the chimes.
From the arena's back door entered just another equestrienne, a rather brassily blonde woman balanced on one foot on a cantering horse.
About a mile out he killed the motor, and they couldd hear a German waltz thumping brassily over the blue water from the band of an approaching excursion steamer.