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The Collaborative International Dictionary

brassbound \brassbound\, brass-bound \brass-bound\adj.

  1. inflexibly entrenched; as, brassbound traditions.

    Syn: ironclad, unchangeable.

  2. having trim or fittings of brass; as, a brassbound campaign chest; the heavy brass-bound door.

Usage examples of "brass-bound".

One by one she uncovered them: the brush and hand mirror that matched the comb, several fired-clay figurines, a thin folder of flatpix, a brass-bound kaleidoscope, four bound books, nine music-tapes, and three thin silver bangles.

Naked dancing girls were draped around us, and we scooped handfuls of silver coins from a brass-bound chest and hurled them to the adoring mobs that followed our every step.

The only things missing were his famous predecessor's brass-bound magnifying glass and deerstalker cap.

Men in top hats and frock coats were assisting ladies in tiny hats and huge dresses up the brass-bound step-boxes into the cars.

Two pirates were already scooping the piles of coin into the Society's brass-bound money chest.

A tabac pouch, a short-stemmed pipe, and a pair of tongs sat beside a covered brass bowl atop a small brass-bound chest, while a slightly larger chest, strapped with iron, held an ivory carving of a gawky animal Rand doubted really existed.

The glow of saidar immediately surrounded Daigian, though faintly, and a dented tin teapot rose from the table, flows of Fire heating the water as she opened a small brass-bound tea chest.

He reclaimed Weryl from the brass-bound chest where the boy tottered on unsteady legs, holding himself erect with one hand on the brass handle at the end while trying to step away.