n. (brass instrument English)
Usage examples of "brass instruments".
They had collected or had made seven brass instruments, mostly trumpets, and I had taught them a few fanfares.
With a crash of brass instruments, a marching band began, and the street was suddenly filled with bright silken flags, barred, starred, snapping and furling in the thunder-wind.
The brass instruments had totally flummoxed Pan's magical construction skills, until Jerry had mentioned a salpinx, a Greek trumpet.
Beyond the low stage, where the Navy band sat with brass instruments glinting in the sun, several moored battleships were visible towering in a gray double row.
A band consisting of a flaternette, a floozie, a rebec, a cit-terne, a serpent, a tabor, a tambour, and three large brass instruments that sounded like extremely unhappy livestock marched into the field.
The door opened, and the tomblike silence was shattered by a blare of Mexican music that was heavy on decibels and brass instruments.
You never had Cecilia because the Archons made Annibale Canta-lamessa and Pio Bo unskilled even with the friendliest of the brass instruments.
On another channel, wild brass instruments squealed a hybrid syncopated alhaza.
The sounds of brass instruments tuning up and fast, excited Spanish poured into the cab.
He went out into the courtyard at ten minutes after four, when he heard the distant brass instruments, the beating of the bass drum and the shouting of the children, and for the first time since his youth he knowingly fell into a trap of nostalgia and relived that prodigious afternoon Of the gypsies when his father took him to see ice.
A metallic clang echoed through the room as two brass instruments rolled into e&l, other.
We stood at attention while a small cadet band of brass instruments played ‘.
The band was playing Land of Hope and Glory in the main ring as the fences for the open jumping were put up, the sun glinting on their brass instruments.
A metallic clang echoed through the room as two brass instruments rolled into e&.
If they had been brass instruments, their squawks and squeals would have made me cover my ears and run away.