Braquo is a French crime drama television series created by Olivier Marchal and produced by Capa Drama with the participation of Canal+ in association with Marathon Group, Be-Films and RTBF. It was first broadcast in France from 12 October to 2 November 2009.
The first season established a record audience for an original production of the channel, and has surpassed that of many U.S. productions broadcast by the network. The second season started on Canal+ on 21 November 2011. A third and apparently final season was announced by lead actor Jean-Hugues Anglade in 2011. However, the ending of the third season with two separate plot strands left unfinished suggests a possible return. The series is available from Hulu as of September 2013.
Series 4 started shooting on 2 February at Marseille and was due to end on 12 June 2015 in Paris to air later in 2015 or early 2016.
The name of the series comes from the French word braquage, meaning armed robberies, particularly of banks.