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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Branlin \Bran"lin\, n. [Scot. branlie fr. brand.] (Zo["o]l.) A young salmon or parr, in the stage in which it has transverse black bands, as if burned by a gridiron.


Branlin \Bran"lin\, n. [See Brand.] A small red worm or larva, used as bait for small fresh-water fish; -- so called from its red color.


n. 1 A small red worm or larva, used as bait for fish. 2 A young salmon or parr, in the stage in which it has transverse black bands, as if burned by a gridiron.

Usage examples of "branlin".

On Deerman Street I pedaled quietly, because guarding the corner of Deerman and Shantuck was the somber gray stone house where the notorious Branlin brothers lived.

The Branlins, thirteen and fourteen years of age, had peroxided blond hair and delighted in destruction.

I had heard from Davy Ray Callan that the Branlins sometimes tried to run cars off the street with their speeding black bikes, and that he’d actually witnessed Gotha Branlin, the oldest, tell his own mother to go to the bad place.

Sitting directly behind me, their pewter-colored eyes the hue of sharpened blades, were Gotha and Gordo Branlin.

Both Branlin boys wore dark blue suits, white shirts, and their ties were similar except Gotha’s had black stripes on white and Gordo’s had red.

All during the rest of that prayer, I could hear the Branlins back there, whispering and giggling like evil trolls.

Reverend Lovoy came in with his family, Sheriff Amory and his wife and daughters entered, the Branlins came in, and so did Mr.

The Branlins stopped with me between them, Gotha on my right and Gordo on my left.

It was bad enough that Nemo was so small and skinny, but when the Branlins heard that lisp, it was going to be all she wrote.

In any case, the Branlins knew no law but their own, and this situation was rapidly spiraling into the danger zone.

It is worse still when there is a yellow stripe down his back, as evidenced by the fact that the Branlins never went after boys their age or older.

Gotha Branlin turned toward me, the cigarette clenched between his teeth and smoke whirling from his mouth.

When Johnny was gasping for air, the blood bubbling from his nostrils, the Branlins advanced on me again.

I had no doubt that Nemo could hit either one of the Branlins right between the eyes and knock their brains out.

Davy Ray was all right, too, except his face was a mass of bruises and one of the Branlins had stepped on his fingers.