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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brandish \Bran"dish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Brandished; p. pr. & vb. n. Brandishing.] [OE. braundisen, F. brandir, fr. brand a sword, fr. OHG. brant brand. See Brand, n.]

  1. To move or wave, as a weapon; to raise and move in various directions; to shake or flourish.

    The quivering lance which he brandished bright.

  2. To play with; to flourish; as, to brandish syllogisms.


n. the action of the verb ''to brandish'' vb. (present participle of brandish English)



  • Brandishing or brattishing - decorative cresting in architecture.
  • Brandishing or menacing - a type of violent crime in American criminal law.

Usage examples of "brandishing".

Urging forward their mounts with wild cries, brandishing the small round bronze and iron studded and bossed war shields, they came racing towards the column.

Without command, moving like a shoal of fish without a leader but with as ingle purpose, laughing sceptic ally or shouting speculation and comment and query, brandishing shields and ancient firearms, the women clutching their infants, and the older children dancing around them or darting ahead, the shapeless mob streamed out of the broken ground and down into the saucer-shaped valley of the wells.

Even Count Aldo Belli was now on his feet, brandishing his pistol and shouting with a high, girlish hysteria.

Protesting shrilly and brandishing an expensively plated and engraved pistol, it was clear that his presence in the Rolls was by no means voluntary.

In a loose mob, they spurred their ponies past the stymied cars and, brandishing their rifles above their heads, robes streaming in the wind like battle ensigns, they lunged up the steep bank into the open and galloped furiously on to the flank of the scattered Italian column.

A guard, dressed in surprisingly severe plate armor, brandishing a spear in one hand and a turkey leg in the other, stood by the open gate.

The figures were human men, each brandishing a short sword, a dagger, or a long, curved knife.

They stared, aghast, at Ryder as he advanced on them brandishing his club.

The Dervish ranks rolled forward, the horses trotting and the camels pacing steadily, the men upon their backs brandishing their weapons and chanting their war cries.

There was another pack of Dervish down the road behind them, at least two dozen, brandishing their weapons and hooting with wild excitement as they saw the women.

Damali flung a car door open and jumped in, brandishing drum anchors as a weapon.

Shabazz and Big Mike were stomping on naming maps of Hell like madmen, Marlene was walking in a circle brandishing her stick.

Both were yelling, brandishing weapons, and looking behind them as though something invisible, but horrible, was chasing them.

With a roar of rage, Morfin leapt out of his chair and ran at Ogden, brandishing his bloody knife and firing hexes indiscriminately from his wand.

Ron indignantly, a bit of sausage flying off the fork he was now brandishing at Hermione and hitting Ernie Macmillan on the head.