n. (branch of government English)
Usage examples of "branches of government".
This was a nameless outfit, engaged in wide-ranging and mysterious tasks, intricately structured, operating outside the law, manipulating legislative and judicial branches of government (perhaps the executive branch as well), acting as judge and jury and executioner when it wished—.
In the ideas that constitute it there is a genealogical order which, from us basis, physical equality, to the minutest and most remote branches of government, ought to proceed in an uninterrupted series of inferences.
When, during the war, many of the executive branches of government had to be evacuated to Philadelphia, and when the city itself was not bombed, the Philadelphians proclaimed that the enemy had been smart enough to realize that by obliterating all the red tape, they would be helping the U.
He would eliminateliterally those he needed to, consolidate his power, so that only his own people held the reins in all three branches of government.
Much time was requsite, after the external form was agreed on, to make the internal distribution convenient for the three branches of government.
In a time when tobacco can scarcely be found, all other branches of government have agreed to accept their assessments in flax .