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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bramin \Bra"min\, Braminic \Bra*min"ic\, etc. See Brahman, Brachmanic, etc.


n. (dated form of Brahmin English)

Usage examples of "bramin".

This request was what the bramin earnestly wished, and he immediately agreed to satisfy him.

The bramin lost no time in his journey, and, upon his arrival at the farmer's house, delivered to him and his wife the roy's orders, that they should repair to Beejanuggur with their daughter.

Compare the Mamlouks of Egypt, the nobility of Europe, the Nairs of India, the Emirs of Arabia, the patricians of Rome, the Christian clergy, the Imans, the Bramins, the Bonzes, the Lamas, etc.

The Bramins, their rivals, embraced the opportunity of exterminating them.

And where is the difference between a Chaman of Tartary who invokes the Genii, or an Indian Bramin, who makes Vichenou descend in a vessel of water to drive away evil spirits?

What I have heard of Bramins sitting exposed to four fires and looking in the face of the sun.

This is considered as an abuse of the military profession, as a woman, says Pirard, of the tribe of the Bramins never would marry many husbands.

He commanded the Bramins to deliver every day to the troops discourses on the meritoriousness of slaughtering the mahummedans, in order to excite zeal for expelling them.