Crossword clues for brambles
n. (plural of bramble English)
Usage examples of "brambles".
The gloom made footing treacherous, along with slippery moss, broken paving, the gaps here and there, the patches of stinging brambles, the razor-edged shells.
Where the sun reached the brambles, they were thick with small sweet bluish-red berries, a very welcome supplement to their diet of fish and birds and small mammals.
It hovered before them not quite touching the rustling brambles that it crushed against the ground, hushing their rustle, freezing their small flutters.
The wall in which it had been the opening had crumbled away, but the great gate still towered above the brambles and weeds which had overgrown its base.
In front of the brambles lay one of them with his throat torn out, all crimson and white-and-tan.
They both stopped and looked at the tangle of brambles to the side of them.
He put his hand on her arm as she now took her stick and prodded the boy out of the brambles on to the path.
She had no hesitation in picking up the dead rabbit and the trap, and when, disengaging her skirt from the brambles, she turned to the child to see him sitting in the middle of the grass drive, his feet straight out, his hands tucked under his buttocks, she was not to know that this was the characteristic attitude of Joe whenever he knew he was going to get his backside smacked for some mischief.
She was a girl, he saw, about their own age, tall and straight but raggedly dressed, her mass of brown hair in great disorder where it had been teased by the brambles, and her hands bleeding.
The brambles were hard as cold iron and Taran blunted both his strength and his blade against them.
Taran felt himself ripped from the brambles and, dangling on the end of the strong cord, flung upward and over the barrier.
South of the river, backed up on the forest, Paks discovered an enormous tangle of brambles, loaded with berries just turning color.
But their first sweep around the fort, they shot into the brambles to scare anyone out.
A brown wren came to light among the brambles, eyeing Hanna and Hathui with its alert gaze before fluttering off.
The brambles gave away as she struggled and she fell forward into what seemed like a dark hole.