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n. 1 (context informal English) A very intelligent person. 2 (context informal English) The head or skull (which encloses the brain).


Brainbox is a Dutch rock group from the late 1960s/early 1970s. The band was founded in Amsterdam by guitarist Jan Akkerman , drummer Pierre van der Linden and singer Kazimir Lux (Kaz). Their debut single was "Down Man", which established their progressive blues sound. They had several hit singles in the Netherlands, including "Between Alpha and Omega", "Doomsday Train", " Reason to Believe" and "Smile". Soon after they released their first album, Jan Akkerman and Pierre van der Linden left the group to join Focus.

After Pierre van der Linden and Jan Akkerman left, Brainbox bass player Cyril Havermans also followed to join Focus, replacing the original bass player Martin Dresden. They were replaced by guitarists Herman Meyer and Rudie de Queljoe and drummer Frans Smit. Meyer was later replaced by John Schuursma. After Kaz Lux left the group in 1971, their popularity waned and they split up in 1972. In 2004 Kaz Lux reassembled the band (though without Jan Akkerman) and they performed in the Netherlands. In 2010 and 2011 the band performed again and recorded a new studio album The 3rd Flood.

Usage examples of "brainbox".

He thrust the laser pistol against what he thought was the brainbox, and held the trigger down.

Its brainbox, the pistol, and the fingers of his right gauntlet, all were glowing hot.

Mitch whipped his right arm around to plaster a grenade on the far side of the brainbox.

Half the system was gone, Trouble’s half, the portable holo-multex drive and the brainbox and the braid of cables and biojacks that carried signals to the implanted processors in their brains.

She replaced Trouble’s dedicated brainbox with her own—an older model, but still serviceable, still fast enough to let her run the nets without danger—and found a length of cable to reconnect the various components.

She swung back to face the linked computers, the remaining files forgotten, and reached for the dollie-cord snugged into its housing at the base of the dedicated brainbox.

Two of the five fuses had tripped in the brainbox, and one had gone in the biotranslator as well.

Not that I wasn’t right to do it, she thought, but still… She could remember packing that day, loading the machines and the clothes haphazard into the only bag she had, wrapping the delicate brainbox at the center of a cocoon of jackets and shirts, packing the storage blocks in underwear, hurrying because she couldn’t stand the thought of arguing anymore, because Evans-Tindale had become law and she’d known Cerise wouldn’t see reason, because if she hurried she didn’t have to think too much about what Cerise would say, coming home to the empty flat.

I remember you sitting in the living room staring at the News at Ten, soaking in every fact and asking Dad and the Brainbox a million questions – Hello, Mrs Higgins!

I remember you sitting in the living room staring at the News at Ten, soaking in every fact and asking Dad and the Brainbox a million questions — Hello, Mrs Higgins!

Don't ask me where that computer with the strung-out brainbox came from.

Its alert appearance and large brainbox persuaded early explorers of Luris III that the S-3 must be a more intelligent and certainly more friendly form than its S-2 progenitor.