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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brahmanic \Brah*man"ic\, -ical \-ic*al\, Brahminic \Brah*min"ic\, ical \*ic*al\,a. Of or pertaining to the Brahmans or to their doctrines and worship.


adj. of or relating to or characteristic of a Brahmin [syn: brahminical]

Usage examples of "brahminic".

The Pantheistic tendency which possessed and overwhelmed the Brahminic mind, shaping and tinging its views opened the whole range of sentient existences to an indiscriminate sympathy, and made the idea of transmigration natural, and more pleasing than repugnant.

Furthermore, the Brahminic thinkers and sages were a distinct class of men whose whole lives were absorbed in introspective reveries and metaphysical broodings calculated to stimulate the imagination and arouse to the keenest consciousness all the latent marvels and possibilities of human experience, thus furnishing the most favorable conditions for exactly such a belief as that of transmigration, an endless series of ever varying adventures for the imperishable soul.

This latter contact had coloured his thought with Brahminic or Vedic beliefs and had given him the elements of Hindu civilization.