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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But she finds refuge with another man, ironically a local braggart photographer who is not so much successful as handy.
▪ Honest prose defeats dissembling verse, and the braggart goes off to be a thief.
▪ Johnny was a show-off - a balding braggart who was later proved to be a liar.
▪ Loners, losers, braggarts, brawlers, they have few redeeming features.
▪ Overnight Riley Hanson had become a cautious braggart.
▪ The braggart Anecdotes that bolster self-image reveal a great deal to you about the speaker.
▪ The braggart turns every question into an answer that makes himself or herself look incredibly good.
▪ They can easily become workaholics, name droppers, gossips and braggarts.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Braggart \Brag"gart\, n. [OF. bragard flaunting, vain, bragging. See Brag, v. i.] A boaster.

O, I could play the woman with mine eyes, And braggart with my tongue.


Braggart \Brag"gart\, a. Boastful. -- Brag"gart*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1570s, from French bragard (16c.), with pejorative ending (see -ard) + Middle French braguer "to flaunt, brag," perhaps originally "to show off clothes, especially breeches," from brague "breeches" (see bracket). There may be an element of codpiece-flaunting in all this.\n

\nThe word in English has been at least influenced by brag (v.), even if, as some claim, it is unrelated to it. Bragger "arrogant or boastful person," agent noun from brag (v.), attested in English from late 14c.


n. someone who boasts.

  1. adj. exhibiting self-importance; "big talk" [syn: boastful, braggart(a), bragging(a), braggy, big, cock-a-hoop, crowing, self-aggrandizing, self-aggrandising]

  2. n. a very boastful and talkative person [syn: bragger, boaster, blowhard, line-shooter, vaunter]

Usage examples of "braggart".

Arrest de Batz if you like, or leave him alone an you please--we have nothing to fear from that braggart.

But why should brawling braggarts rise With hasty words of shame To drive them back like dogs and swine Who in due honor came?

Sir Alastair Cameron, who had made such a brouhaha and nuisance of himself when she had been playing Belinda in The Braggart!

Van Vlotens, of Kaatskill, horrible quaffers of new cider, and arrant braggarts in their liquor.

All the same, Lina Trass had better have married Dan Liss, who never in his life bounced man, woman, or child, than an ill-conditioned braggart like Sabine.

And Buntokapi of the Anasati, an ill-mannered, coarse braggart at the best of times, had been the son of an Acoma enemy before he had become her husband and Ruling Lord.

No braggart gnat could ever match their warrior fury, but perhaps these lazy midges would be cunning enough to furnish sport for her hunter princes.

My servant, proud of his exploit and sure of my approval, came to tell me that I need not be afraid of going out, as the officer was only a braggart.

Braggarts and drum-thumpers all, until the enemy knocked the wind out of their bellies, after which they whined that they had been outnumbered, or that the sun had dazzled them, or that their powder had been damp.

He was no braggart, however, and his one great story which gave him the nickname by which he was called at Pontiac, was told far more in a spirit of laughter at himself than in praise of his own part in the incident.

Van Vlotens, of Kaatskill, horrible quaffers of new cider, and arrant braggarts in their liquor.

He was troublesome, ignorant, superstitious, a braggart, cowardly, and sometimes like a madman.

As soon as the brave braggart had left me, I placed the papers I was doing for the king apart, and went to Campioni, in whom I had great confidence.

He'd even got on pretty well— as well as anyone could— with Joseph's luckless predecessor in command of the Army of Franklin, Count Thraxton the Braggart.

Even the botch from Thraxton the Braggart that had panicked his own men on Proselytizers' Rise was a botch on a scale th e southrons wouldn't have tried to imitate.