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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Brabantine \Bra*bant"ine\, a. Pertaining to Brabant, an ancient province of the Netherlands.


a. Brabantian

Usage examples of "brabantine".

That traitor was right" Then, to the Brabantine: "You realize what we've discovered.

Spring was coming, the Brabantine country-side called, and home seemed like a magic haven.

A state of hostility with Spain worked to their advantage, since the Dutch blockade of the Flemish coast and their control over the outlets of the Rhine served to protect them against their Flemish and Brabantine competitors in the Spanish Netherlands.

Daughter of Claude Duke de Thouars, by Charlotte Brabantine de Nassau, daughter of William Prince of Orange, Charlotte de la Trémoille was likewise grand-daughter of Charlotte de Bourbon, of the royal house of Montpensier, and was therefore in every respect a suitable match for the heir of the great house of Stanley.