- It's well above average
- It's usually in the upper 80s
- It's close to 90
- In the high 80s
- Highish grade
- High 80s, roughly
- Great grade for an assignment you crammed for
- Grade just under an "A"
- Grade just short of an A
- College-transcript entry
- Blemish for a straight-A student
- Almost-excellent grade
- Almost excellent grade
- Almost an A
- Above-average grade
- Above average grade
- A student's blemish
- 89 or so, grade-wise
- 88 or 89
- 87 or so
- 4.0 GPA wrecker
- 3.3, give or take
- Good average
- Just below 90
- Nearly excellent grade
- Pretty good
- Good grade
- High mark
- Pretty good grade
- Very good grade
- Solid grade
- High-80s grade
- Summa cum laude spoiler
- 89%, e.g
- Straight-A student's bane
- Rather good grade
- Rather good
- Pretty good for a grade
- Nearly excellent
- Nearly "A" material
- Mark just below 90
- Mark for an 88
- Letter grade equivalent to the high 80s: 2 wds
- Just short of the A-list?