Crossword clues for boulangerie
n. A French or French-style bakery
Usage examples of "boulangerie".
She set off briskly, sniffing appreciatively at the smell of freshly-baked bread as she passed the boulangerie in the Place de Bagatelle, and smiling to herself at the old men sitting outside a cafe enjoying their coffees and fines.
It drove at a sedate pace around Lake Leman, through Montreux, and along the valley of the Rhone for some 150 kilometers before it finally stopped in front of a boulangerie in the alpine city of Brig.
There were lights on in the boulangerie where the breadmaking was about to begin.
After passing innumerable charcuteries, pâtisseries, boulangeries, blanchisseries and small cafés, the Rue Montmartre curved to the bottom of the hill and swung into the Place Chateaudun, a rough circle formed by the meeting of six streets.