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The Collaborative International Dictionary

n. An anaerobic soil bacterium, ''Clostridium botulinum'', that secretes the toxin botulin


n. anaerobic bacterium producing botulin the toxin that causes botulism [syn: botulinus, Clostridium botulinum]


Usage examples of "botulinum".

It is somewhat reassuring that, even though it was extremely well financed and had access to scientific expertise, Aum Shinrikyo was unable to turn botulinum toxin, or anthrax, into an effective bioweapon.

The CDC is ready to ship the botulinum antitoxin anywhere immediately, twenty-four hours a day.

The cult also was working with bioweapons, including anthrax and botulinum toxin.

In theory, just a single gram of botulinum toxin released in aerosol form could kill more than a million people.

Like anthrax, the bacterium Clostridium botulinum forms a hard shell, called a spore, to protect itself when the environment turns inhospitable.

It is only when the bacteria grow, releasing the botulinum toxin, that they become dangerous.

Actually, there are seven distinct types of botulinum toxin, designated by the letters A through G.

The botulinum toxin is very stable on uncooked foods and untreated beverages.

BOTULISM AS A BIOWEAPON A Brief History The use of botulinum toxin as a biological weapon dates back to World War II.

The United States, fearing that Germany had weaponized botulinum toxin, prepared more than a million does of vaccine for Allied troops preparing to storm Normandy on D-Day.

Soviet scientists even attempted to splice the botulinum toxin gene into other bacteria to create a so-called superbug.

Four countries--Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and Syria--are believed to be developing botulinum toxin as a weapon.

After the war, Iraq admitted to a United Nations inspection team that it had produced a staggering nineteen thousand liters of concentrated botulinum toxin--three times more than the amount needed to kill everyone on Earth.

Although the botulinum toxin is as lethal as any known substance, a terrorist would likely use it to create fear by inflicting a few deaths that would severely destabilize a community.

Strange as it seems, the issue is further complicated by all of the health benefits botulinum toxin offers.