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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ You both are doomed to the bottomless pits of hell.
▪ You've got to go down into this bottomless pit before you can pick yourself up again.
▪ But somebody ought to tell the filmmakers, who are churning out movies as if demand were a bottomless pit.
▪ It is because pleasure-seeking is a bottomless pit, never satisfied.
▪ Her sleep was black and absolute, as if she had been dropped into a bottomless pit.
▪ Thus, pump-priming has turned into a bottomless pit for the Treasury, in spite of the reinvestment of large receipts from land sales.
▪ And then, suddenly, an open door with a dark, bottomless pit behind it.
▪ In the dream, I was falling and falling in a bottomless abyss.
▪ the bottomless depths of the ocean
▪ To the child the hole seemed like a bottomless pit.
▪ And we know the usual fate of such ephemera: consignment to the bottomless circular file below the desk.
▪ In some cases the ravine could well be shown as virtually bottomless.
▪ Money couldn't buy you love but maybe the Beatles' bottomless pockets could buy the world a new order.
▪ She had produced a cake from her bottomless bottom drawer, and two gallon jugs of tea with Styrofoam cups.
▪ The vivisystems I examine in this book are nearly bottomless complications, vast in range, and gigantic in nuance.
▪ There was a seemingly bottomless Paris real-estate crisis.
▪ You both are doomed to the bottomless pits of hell.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bottomless \Bot"tom*less\, a. Without a bottom; hence, fathomless; baseless; as, a bottomless abyss. ``Bottomless speculations.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 14c., from bottom + -less.


a. 1 Having no bottom. 2 Extremely deep. 3 Having no bounds; limitless. 4 difficult to understand; unfathomable. 5 Not wearing clothes below the waist.

  1. adj. extremely deep; "a bottomless pit"; "a bottomless lake"

  2. having no bottom; "bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front" [ant: bottomed]

  3. having no apparent limits or bounds; "a bottomless supply of money"; "bottomless pockets"

  4. unclothed especially below the waist or featuring such nudeness; "bottomless dancers"; "a bottomless bar"


Usage examples of "bottomless".

Mars pressed the same incubus upon all newcomers to her soil: a nightmare of falling, falling, falling into bottomless space.

The sky was a bottomless well into which Earth poured her tools, dollars, manpower, and engineering skill.

Clearly, apart from direct meanings, the sound plum- or plun- has something to do with bottomless oceans.

Where, in the bottomless deeps, could he find the torn limbs of his brother?

Out of the bottomless profundities the gigantic tail seems spasmodically snatching at the highest heaven.

Troy felt like a tiny piece of flotsam in the midst of a hurricane as he looked out the opening door that led to the bottomless pit of space.

The wreckage of the rocket was a hot bright point, toppling down its bottomless throat.

Hanging to the hard chrome rail, I shrank from the pitiless, bottomless mystery of infinite space.

The black funnel of the guarded gateway was larger every time I looked, the yellow neck of the trapped asteroid always brighter in its bottomless throat.

It took a little time to realise that the highways were channels of thick mud, and the lawns bottomless quagmires.

But his worst adventure--he seemed shy in telling it--was when he was caught without snow-shoes in an early fall blizzard, and crossed unknowingly a bottomless half-frozen sphagnum swamp which heaved under his tread and made him vomit up his soul.

Then the lost Archangel and his counsellors are hurled into the Bottomless Pit, and the Angel takes the Bard up to the vault of Hell where he has full view of a three-faced ogress, Sin, who would make of heaven, a hell, and thence departing, a heaven of hell.

Before long a sudden whirlwind arose, and drove away the pitch-dark mist usually hovering over the Land of Oblivion, and in the wan light, I could see myriads of livid candles, and by their gleam, I obtained a far-off view of the mouth of the bottomless abyss.

Under the pretence of holding a Parliament, you can cite all the damned into the burning Evildom, and then bid the devils hurl them headlong to bottomless perdition, and lock them up in its vortex, to trouble you no more.

Hatch watched the water beneath the bow turning from a bottomless gray to green.