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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bottom \Bot"tom\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bottomed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Bottoming.]

  1. To found or build upon; to fix upon as a support; -- followed by on or upon.

    Action is supposed to be bottomed upon principle.

    Those false and deceiving grounds upon which many bottom their eternal state].

  2. To furnish with a bottom; as, to bottom a chair.

  3. To reach or get to the bottom of.


vb. (present participle of bottom English)


Bottoming may refer to:

  • Bottoming (bending), a bending process for sheet metal and other thin materials
  • Top, bottom and versatile, a sexual role

Usage examples of "bottoming".

You'll probably be bottoming a lot: you may need extra buoyancy for'd in a hurry, so we've decided to fill your for'd tubes with water instead of torpedoes.

He had kept them busy all day: bottoming, shutting-off for going deep, shutting-off for counter-attack, assuming the Ultra Quiet State - he had repeated the drills over and over again until he was satisfied.

This was back in July, in that lull before the storm when the wizards in Washington were beginning to nod glumly at each other whenever somebody suggested that the impeachment drive seemed to be faltering and that maybe Nixon was bottoming out, that in fact he had already bounced off the bottom and was preparing to take the offensive once again.

As for bottoming his shaft at the central point Work, that's a different thing altogether.

Then they were bottoming out, swooping up again above the Prezda's dome.

Every body was getting hyperstimulated and the babies' heart rates were bottoming out.

Intact or no, the dome’s contents would undergo brutal thermal cycles, heating up probably to several hundred degrees at peak, and then bleeding it all away again, bottoming out probably well below freezing.

He was garbed in the red jumpsuit of the majority, topping it off with an eleven-gallon Wayne and bottoming out with garish royal blue boots.