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bottom out

vb. (context intransitive English) to reach the bottom, to reach the nadir or low point.

bottom out
  1. v. reach the low point; "Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while" [ant: top out]

  2. hit the ground; "the car bottomed out where the driveway meets the road"

Usage examples of "bottom out".

And I really think that the drama of life on this planet is pointed toward the time that we are living in, that we're approaching a symmetry break on a scale of the kind of symmetry break that occurred when life pulled its slimy bottom out of the sea and crawled onto the land.

They all knew enough to keep their bows in good repair and tend the fletching and points on their arrows, but some would wear the soles out of their boots or the bottom out of their breeches without noticing, or let blisters fester because they could not be bothered to do anything about them just yet.

The lead galley ripped her bottom out on the heavy sharpened logs that had been anchored just below the water line.