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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Bottom glade

Glade \Glade\, n. [Prob. of Scand. origin, and akin to glad, a.; cf. also W. golead, goleuad, a lighting, illumination, fr. goleu light, clear, bright, goleu fwlch glade, lit., a light or clear defile.]

  1. An open passage through a wood; a grassy open or cleared space in a forest.

    There interspersed in lawns and opening glades.

  2. An everglade. [Local, U. S.]

  3. An opening in the ice of rivers or lakes, or a place left unfrozen; also, smooth ice. [Local, U. S.]

    Bottom glade. See under Bottom.

    Glade net, in England, a net used for catching woodcock and other birds in forest glades.

Bottom glade

Bottom \Bot"tom\, a. Of or pertaining to the bottom; fundamental; lowest; under; as, bottom rock; the bottom board of a wagon box; bottom prices.

Bottom glade, a low glade or open place; a valley; a dale.

Bottom grass, grass growing on bottom lands.

Bottom land. See 1st Bottom, n., 7.