Crossword clues for bottled
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Bottle \Bot"tle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bottledp. pr. & vb. n. Bottling.] To put into bottles; to inclose in, or as in, a bottle or bottles; to keep or restrain as in a bottle; as, to bottle wine or porter; to bottle up one's wrath.
Bottled \Bot"tled\, a.
Put into bottles; inclosed in bottles; pent up in, or as in, a bottle.
Having the shape of a bottle; protuberant.
vb. (en-past of: bottle)
Usage examples of "bottled".
She had barely objected when he told her of his new affiliation with the Beller people, and she had said nothing in these past ten days, when the pressure of conflicting cross-currents had kept him bottled up within himself, unloving, cold.
The cabinet itself seemed to fold upward into a hood, like a metal tipi, that, Father John figured, vented fumes from the bottled solvents to the outside.
Fifteen or so saronged Indonesian tourists were waiting on the other side of the gate, conversing in Bahasa pidgin and sipping locally bottled designer water.
One was a group of Hazara resistants, bottled up in the mountains of Dara-i-Suf, and the other was Massoud himself, in the impregnable Panjshir Valley and the northeastern corner called Badakhshan.
British Admiralty reports that the German cruiser Koenigsberg has been bottled up in the Rufiji River, German East Africa.
Susan had a plastic bag that contained two liters of bottled water, a lot of cellophane bags filled with snacks, and a road map.
When the driver turned again, heading out of the center of the street and toward the narrow entrance to another ramp, the tension bottled up inside Nara finally exploded.
But to store the bottled food stuff, the nonperishable things, mainly the Lettice Keswick line.
So she told him about Dacce, how he had been hired by Raan Tallus, how he had murdered Hadinnn SaTrryn, the poison she had kept bottled up inside her.
Bottled up in the concourse, with only narrow passages to escape through, the floodwater surges to lethal heights.
Jak tried different combinations, gobbling some thimbleberries and smoked cod, following that up with some bottled water and topping off the meal with curried pickles.
It was white as the whitest vanilla ice-cream, as the bottled milk in tenement halls at dawn.
Elsa Ramerez, a tiny woman with short, curly dark hair, tanned limbs, scooted around handing things to the photographer, signalling the rest of the crew, grabbing up bottled water or whatever other task was snapped out at her.
He swallowed three of the sugarcoated pills, then really wanted that bottled water.
Her expression changed, became sad as she wondered why he was so bottled up inside and seemingly incapable of unburdening himself to the psychiatrist, a doctor who might well be able to help him.