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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bottle-nosed \Bot"tle-nosed`\ (-n[=o]zd), a. Having the nose bottle-shaped, or large at the end.

Usage examples of "bottle-nosed".

The nearest matches to the sample are a human female, age approximately late teens, and that of a common female of some species of Delphinidae closely akin to, but not identical to, the fully mature Pacific bottle-nosed dolphin .

Fishermen had found the bottle-nosed dolphin battered and bleeding off the coast of South Florida.

No regimen of weight training and pharmaceutical enhancement could have prepared him, or any mortal man, for an all-out sexual attack by a healthy bottle-nosed dolphin.

Recently he turned forty-one, the same age at which Bebe the bottle-nosed dolphin (one of seven who played Flipper on TV) passed away.

The men had been bitten and chewed by something possessing a jaw configuration approximating that of Tursiops truncatus, the bottle-nosed dolphin, a normal visitor and sometime resident of these same parks.

When it got within a few hundred yards of the California coast, it dropped most of its mass and became a bottle-nosed dolphin.

They had been lucky, and had brought back two dozen large Pacific salmon and a freshly killed bottle-nosed dolphin.

He thought it was a bottle-nosed dolphin until its size registered.

Instead of his chum, he found himself face to face with a bottle-nosed dolphin!

And only weeks ago, near Sandy Key, I saw a pod of bottle-nosed dolphins doing spectacular back-flips for no other reason but the joy of it.

As the truck crested the bridge, Skink pointed out a pod of bottle-nosed dolphins rolling along the edge of a choppy boat channel.

Dunkin leaned over the rail, took note of a school of bottle-nosed dolphins dancing in the prow waves and lost himself in thought.