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The Collaborative International Dictionary

n. The fungus ''Botrytis cinerea'' that is responsible for the formation of noble rot


Botrytis may refer to:

  • Botrytis, the anamorphs of fungi of the genus Botryotinia
    • Botrytis cinerea, a mold important in wine making
  • Botrytis, the cauliflower cultivar group of Brassica oleracea
Botrytis (fungus)

Botrytis is a genus of anamorphic fungi in the family Sclerotiniaceae. Botrytis (also known as grey mold) belongs to the group hyphomycetes and has about 30 different species. It is a plant parasite as well as saprophytes on both agricultural and forest trees. It produces stout, dark, branching conidiophores that bear clusters of paler conidia (grey in mass) on denticles from apical ampullae. It is a common outdoor fungus and can be detected in spore trap samples. The fungus is often found growing on indoor plants. Although no mycotoxin has been reported from this fungus, it may cause hay fever, asthma and keratomycosis.