- Some petty officers, for short
- Some naval officers
- Ship petty officers, for short
- Cap'ns' subordinates
- Cap'n's underlings
- Warship warrant officers, for short
- Warship officers
- Some warrant officers
- Some petty offs
- Some crew members, casually
- Ships' petty officers
- Petty offs
- Foremen of a sort
- Deck crew foremen
- Deck crew chiefs
- Cap'ns' underlings
- Ship officers
- Petty officers, for short
- Cable managers, for short
- Petty officers, informally
- Smee and others
- Rigging pros
- Some petty offs.
- Petty offs.
- Deck chiefs, for short
- Crew members
- Petty officers, briefly
- Warrant officers
- They report to cap'ns
- Some petty officers
- They serve under cap'ns
- They serve cap'ns