The Collaborative International Dictionary
Bose-Einstein statistics \Bo`se-Ein"stein sta*tis"tics\ (b[=o]`z[-e] [imac]n"st[imac]n st[.a]*t[i^]s"t[i^]ks), prop. n. [From physicists S. N. Bose, and Albert Einstein.] (Physics) A law of statistical mechanics which is obeyed by a system of particles when interchange of two particles does not change the wave function. Contrasted to Fermi-Dirac statistics. See also boson.
Usage examples of "bose-einstein statistics".
It told of an intriguing new physical theory involving Bose-Einstein statistics, along with a suggestion for a subtle and complex deep-space experiment far beyond the limited resources of the little colony.
The Pauli Exclusion Principle does not apply to systems satisfying Bose-Einstein statistics, so bosons are permitted to have the same values of all physical variables.