Borivali-Padgha is a twin Village in Bhiwandi Taluka in Thane District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Konkan region . It belongs to Konkan Division . It is located 35 km towards East from District Thane. It is 18 Km from textile manufacturing city Bhiwandi, 23 Km from Railway Junction Kalyan, 35 km district headquarter Thane and 59 km from Maharashtra State capital Mumbai.
Borivali-Padgha Pin code is 421101 and postal head office is in Padgha .The villages is located at NH3. The villages are surrounded by the slopes of Mahuli Hills.
Kurund 2 km, Devli 2 km, Rahur 3 km, Dohle Taloli & Sape 4 km, Khadavli 6 km and Raya 8 km are the nearby villages . The nearest Railway station is Khadavli which is 6 km far and situated in the Central Railway Asangaon Kasara Railway Line. The nearest International Airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport which is 53 km far.
Borivali Village have 90% kokni Muslim population and remaining are Buddhist and Adhivasi. The Padgha village have 80% Hindu and remaining are Buddhist and Muslims.. The terminus station of the eponymous Chandrapur–Padghe HVDC transmission system or which is also called as MSEB is located there.