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n. sole of a boot

Usage examples of "bootsole".

Garric remembered kicking and being surprised when his bare heel instead of a hobnailed bootsole crunched hard against jelly-coated bone.

Then, of a bitter, snowy mom, drums rolled, trumpets brayed and disciplined ranks of Confederation infantry set bootsole to trade road in the wake of the mounted vanguards and scouts.

Then, of a bitter, snowy morn, drums rolled, trumpets brayed and disciplined ranks of Confederation infantry set bootsole to traderoad in the wake of the mounted vanguards and scouts.

The road beyond the ford was muddy for several hundred yards, deeply indented with impressions of hoof and wheel, of bootsole and sandal and bare foot.

Also, the hastening bootsoles on the street along which their villa was set.

While the startled guard fumbled with his keys, Moichi took a step back, smashed his bootsole just above the door lock.

I felt the residual heat from our landing through my bootsoles, but the breeze off the lake was refreshingly cool.

Stephen felt first the tremble through his bootsoles as the thrusters ran up on static test.

She had hardly cleared the shuttle ramp on the surface, and felt the alien grit rasping along her bootsoles, when the landing team commander called a warning.

Even so, they could all feel the shocks through their bootsoles, as the big guns chewed the attackers’ pods to bits.

Here, for the first time, Esmay could feel through her bootsoles a faint lateral tug, another proof that Kos was moving on her own, arguing with the inertia of her former path.

She had hardly cleared the shut­tle ramp on the surface, and felt the alien grit rasping along her bootsoles, when the landing team commander called a warning.

Even so, they could all feel the shocks through their bootsoles, as the big guns chewed the attackers' pods to bits.