n. an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal [syn: boosters, booster amplifier, relay links, relay stations, relay transmitters]
Usage examples of "booster stations".
With the aid of a few atmosphere booster stations, it should be as easy for a colonist to live there as he would on Venus-or any tropical planet.
He could make out the outline of the uranium plant, the atmosphere booster stations and small buildings clustered around the spaceport.
From there it was relayed to a shielded vessel standing in far orbit and thence via concealed booster stations scattered carefully among the eighty-three worlds into a vast section of space that held the swirling of stars ruled by the Eight Great Families of the Nuel.
Amplifiers and booster stations received the signal and retransmitted it across the city, over the North American continent, the Atlantic Ocean, and across Europe.