v. make a deep hollow sound; "Her voice booms out the words of the song" [syn: boom]
Usage examples of "boom out".
Every ten minutes or so a cannon would boom out, and a few seconds later a heavy roundshot would crash through a roof in the town below.
Huddling nose-deep in the water, he saw it swing by overhead, a thick yellowish rod like a boom out of control.
He heard a laugh boom out and another rider rode out from behind the store leading three horses.
He was looking up at Terri, perilously extended from the boom out over the edge of the hill.
As it changed the armor began to boom out a driving electric drum solo.
Then, ah then, you will boom out across the waves so that all the seas will know Gabool is King.
She'd heard something, though, just before midnight, a low, dull, double boom out of the north that might have been thunder .
He got the winch moving once more, lifted the trap off the deck, waited until Sandy had swung the boom out over the side, and then let the rope slip backward until the trap had disappeared under the water, pulling the line with it as it sank.