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n. A slip of paper, card, etc. used to mark one's place in reading a book; a bookmark.


n. a marker (a piece of paper or ribbon) placed between the pages of a book to mark the reader's place [syn: bookmark]

Usage examples of "bookmarker".

Thank goodness and confound it, whichever way you like to take it, the idiot at the shop had forgotten about the bookmarker and I shan’t get it until to-morrow morning early.

I got the bookmarker on the 4th, worked at it all day and up till midnight, and yesterday I got up at ½ past 5, went on working the whole morning, and at 2 o’clock we took our mementoes to the house.

She was in the process of reading a hardback, a Fay Weldon novel she'd nearly finished judging by the bookmarker.

Vaguely disappointed I started to replace the bookmarker, but glanced at it and The P volume also had a bookmark, this time in the page for paraphilia.

She picked up a business directory from her desk and opened it to the page where a bookmarker rested.

Dead leaves from the Bas Breau, echoes from Lavenue's and the Rue Racine, memories of a common past, let these be your bookmarkers as you read.