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n. (plural of bookmaker English)

Usage examples of "bookmakers".

The envelopes were the betting slips that his raiding parties had picked up when they had hit one of the Corleone Family bookmakers the night before.

The bookmakers in his district paid more protection money than the bookmakers in any other part of the city, but maybe that was because of the expense of putting four boys through college.

But the rest, the neighborhood Black Hand terrorists, the free-lance shylocks, the strong-arm bookmakers operating without the proper, that is to say paid, protection of the legal authorities, would have to go.

They’ll hit our bankers in Harlem and out bookmakers on the East Side.

Then the Corleone Family shylocks were barred from the waterfront piers as were the Corleone Family bookmakers.

Corleone bookmakers all over the city were threatened to persuade them to change their allegiance.

At first, Sonny had thought of fighting a holding action until the Don could become well enough to take charge, but with the defection of the policy bankers, the terrorization of the bookmakers, the Family position was becoming precarious.

Union officials who owed allegiance to the Five Families were warned to stay neutral, and when the Corleone bookmakers and shylocks were still barred from the docks, Sonny sent Clemenza and his regime to wreak havoc upon the long shore.

Also they were slyly whittling down the power of the Corleone Family, muscling into their gambling areas, testing the Corleones’ reactions and, finding them weak, establishing their own bookmakers.

There had been rumours, a while back, that Sandy had'stopped' a few horses and had been rewarded handsomely by bookmakers for the service.

Among them were fifteen or twenty of the betting tickets issued by bookmakers at race meetings.

I think he kept them in case William wanted to play bookmakers in his turn.

The extra tickets Bill had saved for him were from several different bookmakers.

It was part of Bill's pleasure at the races to walk among the bookmakers' stands in Tattersall's and put his actual cash on the best odds, instead of betting on credit with a bookmaker on the rails.

His offer was readily accepted because of the rain and the distance of the fence from the bookmakers.