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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bookish \Book"ish\, a.

  1. Given to reading; fond of study; better acquainted with books than with men; learned from books. ``A bookish man.''
    --Addison. ``Bookish skill.''
    --Bp. Hall.

  2. Characterized by a method of expression generally found in books; formal; labored; pedantic; as, a bookish way of talking; bookish sentences. [1913 Webster] -- Book"ish*ly, adv. -- Book"ish*ness, n.


a. In a bookish way.

Usage examples of "bookishly".

I knew I was speaking stiffly, artificially, even bookishly, in fact, I could not speak except "like a book.

His Namerique was good but bookishly old-fashioned, with a singsong Sponglish lilt and a trace of a southron roll to the R's, as if he'd spoken it mainly with Squadron folk.

His Namerique was good but bookishly old-fashioned, with a singsong Sponglish lilt and a trace of a southron roll to the r's, as if he'd spoken it mainly with Squadron folk.