Bonnell may refer to:
- Bonnell (name)
- Bonnell, Indiana, United States
- Mount Bonnell, a prominent point alongside Lake Austin in Austin, Texas
- Bonnell (microarchitecture), used in Intel Atom processors
Bonnell is a CPU microarchitecture used by Intel Atom processors which can execute up to two instructions per cycle. Like many other x86 microprocessors, it translates x86 instructions ( CISC instructions) into simpler internal operations (sometimes referred to as micro-ops, effectively RISC style instructions) prior to execution. The majority of instructions produce one micro-op when translated, with around 4% of instructions used in typical programs producing multiple micro-ops. The number of instructions that produce more than one micro-op is significantly fewer than the P6 and NetBurst microarchitectures. In the Bonnell microarchitecture, internal micro-ops can contain both a memory load and a memory store in connection with an ALU operation, thus being more similar to the x86 level and more powerful than the micro-ops used in previous designs. This enables relatively good performance with only two integer ALUs, and without any instruction reordering, speculative execution or register renaming. The Bonnell microarchitecture therefore represents a partial revival of the principles used in earlier Intel designs such as P5 and the i486, with the sole purpose of enhancing the performance per watt ratio. However, Hyper-Threading is implemented in an easy (i.e. low-power) way to employ the whole pipeline efficiently by avoiding the typical single thread dependencies.
Bonnell is both a surname and a given name. Notable people with the name include:
- Barry Bonnell (born 1953), former outfielder and third baseman in Major League Baseball
- Bonnie Bonnell (1905–1964), Vaudeville performer
- Bruno Bonnell (21st century), one of the founders of Infogrames Entertainment SA
- Joseph Bonnell (1802–1840), U.S Army Officer and Republic of Texas Officer
- Lorne Bonnell (1923–2006), Canadian physician, provincial politician, and senator
- Sadie Bonnell (1888–1993), first woman to win the Military Medal
- Steve Bonnell (21st century), punk rock musician
Given name:
- Bonnell Thornton (1725–1768), English poet, essayist, and critic
- Ulrich Bonnell Phillips (1877–1934), American historian