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boning up

vb. (present participle of bone up English)

Usage examples of "boning up".

Belatedly, he began boning up on galactic history through the comconsole library.

She didn't believe in regurgitating the textbooks, so she was boning up on World War I.

It takes a little boning up on the different administrative rules, and that's about it.

You'd better start boning up on your cocktails, fella, read up your sort of bar-tender's Wisden.

So Herbie had spent a few weeks in the East boning up on VISTA lore, and then he'd been shipped on a bus with six other peagreen do-gooders to Chamisa-ville, where he had wanted to be stationed.

Today was Tuesday, publication day, and he read the thin paper hungrily, boning up on local gossip.