alt. A form of indenture in which a loan is repaid by work, the worker being unable to leave until the debt is repaid n. A form of indenture in which a loan is repaid by work, the worker being unable to leave until the debt is repaid
n. an illegal practice in which employers give high-interest loans to workers whose entire families then labor at low wages to pay off the debt
Usage examples of "bonded labor".
Mercy Kendoro younger sister of Pal and Judit Kendoro, saved from a life of bonded labor by Judit's efforts, she worked as a spy for the Child Liberation League in offices of Kezdet Guardians of the Peace until the child-labor system was destroyed.
It could have been me they took away, to be sent offworld, my life to be spent as bonded labor to some colony world or station that lacked the technical resources to support servos.