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bomber jackets

n. (bomber jacket English)

Usage examples of "bomber jackets".

Only men, when some of the other men in bomber jackets moved, did Andrei spy an item of graffiti upon the theatre wall.

Squealing children shoved up against the expeditor as they lined up to buy lunch-boxes, gummy bears, T-shirts and bomber jackets from the merchandising concession.

Personal cover was also satisfactory: most people here were in black bomber jackets like mine: it had been the fashion of choice when we'd set out from Algiers for a winter's night in the desert.

The result was a group of yard-high figures in black bomber jackets and pony tails.

In the street outside, two kids in bomber jackets, neither of them above ten years old, and both wearing nearly-new Nike trainers that had come down the chimney with Santa, were dismantling a black and silver mountain bike whose owner had optimistically left it chained to a parking meter.

They also wore surprising clothes, like bomber jackets and bush hats .

The bouncers, vast men in bomber jackets, stood with arms folded like grotesque gargoyles.

Both men donned bomber jackets with hooded sweatshirts underneath.