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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Bolting hutch

Hutch \Hutch\, n. [OE. hucche, huche, hoche, F. huche, LL. hutica.]

  1. A chest, box, coffer, bin, coop, or the like, in which things may be stored, or animals kept; as, a grain hutch; a rabbit hutch.

  2. A measure of two Winchester bushels.

  3. (Mining) The case of a flour bolt.

  4. (Mining)

    1. A car on low wheels, in which coal is drawn in the mine and hoisted out of the pit.

    2. A jig for washing ore.

      Bolting hutch, Booby hutch, etc. See under Bolting, etc.

Bolting hutch

Bolting \Bolt"ing\, n.

  1. A sifting, as of flour or meal.

  2. (Law) A private arguing of cases for practice by students, as in the Inns of Court. [Obs.]

    Bolting cloth, wire, hair, silk, or other sieve cloth of different degrees of fineness; -- used by millers for sifting flour.

    Bolting hutch, a bin or tub for the bolted flour or meal; (fig.) a receptacle.