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n. (context legal English) (abbreviation of Bolivia English)

Usage examples of "bol.".

He was still unarmed, except for the plaeryin bol. The lift came in sight, but he heard running footfalls be-hind him.

She was in time to see a large, furry mass intersect the bolt with a blazing bronze lightsaber and send it whining into the bulkhead, missing its intended target-her father.

I was able to decipher what I did of similarities, including the high runes--because those civili- the wall of the chamber in the Great Pyramid using sym- zations had all been started by people from a single earlier bols from a South American site.

He must be handled gently, or he will bolt in any direction but the one we want.

A liveried servant carrying a bolt of cloth blinked at her, then bowed low before scurrying off.

With a wingspan of ten paces, it lay on its back, pierced by a lightning bolt, and ravens pecked at its eyes.

Suddenly some trick of the moonlight resolved the shadows ahead of him, and he froze, touching the rough bole of a leatherleaf.

At last, a lightning bolt hurled Rand from the Palace wall, broken, bleeding, and burned, and as his last breath rattled in his throat, he heard a voice whisper, I have won again, Lews Therin.

Another jagged bolt split the sky, and then she was running down the alley.