The Collaborative International Dictionary
Boisterously \Bois"ter*ous*ly\, adv. In a boisterous manner.
adv. In a boisterous manner.
adv. in a carefree manner; "she was rollickingly happy" [syn: rollickingly]
Usage examples of "boisterously".
They joked boisterously with their Master with absolutely no sense of decorum or dignity.
He leapt up the ladder, hand over hand, singing boisterously in a language Chekov had never heard before.
A Kentucky brook chuckled boisterously by the hay-camp, tumbling headlong over mossy logs and stones and a tangled lacery of drenched ferns.
Brewster sat in the honored place at the table on the dais, with Mick on his right and Bloody Bob on his left, while all the other brigands and a few of the farmers in the crowd packed the other tables, drinking heartily and laughing boisterously, pounding each other on the back and looking very much like a scene from an Errol Rynn movie.
She and Andi waited eight and a half minutes--then they descended, coats and envelope in hand talking as boisterously as they could about dinner and a movie.
He went in and the dog pretended a cowardly sideways creep towards his massive basket before swiftly turning and boisterously knocking Davies off his feet.
That was after the group scrambled down a steep rock stairway to where the tailrace of Devil's Cate 1 generating plant emptied boisterously into Pineridge River, twenty feet below.
SECOND CURATE: * He giveth Christ a cricket-bat and pads, and beateth Him boisterously upon the back.
Speedy, turning red as a turkeycock, backed in embarrassment, but the crowd, quickly recognizing the boy who had given the magic dates to the King, boisterously pushed him forward, Camy treading in a dignified manner behind him.
He jerked sideways, almost falling off the chair, and the crowd, quiet a moment before, guffawed boisterously.
He seemed grate-ful for the attention, and several times throughout the course of the meal he actually laughed rather boisterously, his nictating membranes flapping with furious speed.
He laughed boisterously, clapped me on the shoulder and puffed up the stairs into the court house.
But thereafter, everyone relaxed, and the august audience applauded the dancing girls and the come-in spec and every subsequent act as boisterously as any tentful of commoners had ever done.