n. land that is predominantly boggy; marshland.
Usage examples of "bogland".
Or, if we turn northward, we only find it seaming another ample fold of bogland, outspread far and far beyond Lisconnel before a grey hill-range begins to rise in slow undulations, crested with furze and broom.
Judy came to a place where the road forks, sending one branch to creep across the level bogland towards Sallinbeg, and one to climb up among the first tilted slopes of the mountains.
The smell of spring was in the air, and filmy silvery mist had begun to float off the dark bogland in vanishing wreaths, soft and dim as the frail sloe-blossom, already stolen out over the writhen black branches up on the ridge.
A soft mist rounded off all the bogland, holding in a drowse the sunbeams that steeped it, and letting them waken to their full golden glory at the very heart of noon.
It is seldom that one booms and rattles so loudly over our bogland, or glares with so fierce a flame.
This journey would take him west across the great shallow basin of low bogland and pasture that formed the Midlands, and to the lip of the Shannon estuary, the place he always considered the most significant border on this little island.
But hardly anyone traveled on foot through bogland anymore, not like in the old days, and nothing in the circumstances immediately suggested that possibility.
Transfixed by awe, and a harmony that wrung him breathless, Verrain wept as he realized: the bogland he viewed was still governed by nature.
For that large light we have laboured and tramped Thorough forests and bogland, still to perceive Our animate morning stamped With the lines of a sombre eve.
Now, your Majesty will see through your glass that a mile of bogland intervenes between these villages, and that the nearest one, Chedzoy, as I think they call it, might be approached without ourselves entering the morass.
These fairs were held only during the dry seasons, since the monsoons roaring up from the Southern Sea otherwise made passage of the bogland watercourses impossible.
The trail that they followed through the high bogland led them past a patch of the largest, most juicy, most sweetly fermented cloudberries that Haramis had ever tasted in her life, and she insisted upon ignoring the seed-guide and stopping to feast upon them.
Five thousand years ago, Garland had told him, but it had returned to bogland by the time of the Bronze Age.
They set camp in a clearing up above the bogland and skeletal trees that marked the region of Tymwyvenne, taking little care to conceal their campfire.
Maynooth, I was drowsy, floating uneasily between waking and sleeping across the rolling miles of bogland, past windbreaks of pale trees and haggard-looking farmhouses with empty eyes.