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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Boggle \Bog"gle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Boggled; p. pr. & vb. n. Boggling.] [ See Bogle, n.]

  1. To stop or hesitate as if suddenly frightened, or in doubt, or impeded by unforeseen difficulties; to take alarm; to exhibit hesitancy and indecision.

    We start and boggle at every unusual appearance.

    Boggling at nothing which serveth their purpose.

  2. To do anything awkwardly or unskillfully.

  3. To play fast and loose; to dissemble.

    Syn: To doubt; hesitate; shrink; stickle; demur.


vb. (en-past of: boggle)

Usage examples of "boggled".

What still boggled the mind, of course, was why he had torn down his former home for this one.

Why she had attached herself to a ruthless and arrogant playboy with as bad an attitude as Sean Michael boggled the mind.

Twenty-eight franchises, another dozen boutiques in upscale department stores, a wicker plant in central Pennsylvania, rooms in numerous charity show houses--it boggled my mind, when I stopped to think about it.