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Usage examples of "boerhaave".

If the great Boerhaave had lived at Naples he would have learnt more about the nature of sulphur by observing its effects on vegetables, and still more on animals.

I had rather be cared for in a fever by the best-taught among you than by the renowned Fernelius or the illustrious Boerhaave, could they come back to us from that better world where there are no physicians needed, and, if the old adage can be trusted, not many within call.

She had been intimately connected with the celebrated Boerhaave, and she shewed me a plate of gold he had transmuted in her presence from copper.

I afterwards referred to Boerhaave, who speaks of the aroph in more reasonable terms.

He talked a great deal of Boerhaave, whose favourite pupil he had been.

He said that after Hypocrates, Boerhaave was the greatest doctor and the greatest chemist that had ever existed.

Look through the history of medicine from Boerhaave to this present day.

I suppose Boerhaave put up with them when he could not get poor ones, as he left his daughter two millions of florins when he died.

Boerhaave says nothing of the sort, but I like a man who quotes readily.

But, for my part, I replaced my purse in my pocket, and on some trifling pretext went out and sent my servant to Madame d'Urfe's to get me Boerhaave.

Boerhaave sampled the shallows, finding nullipores, mussels, and small crustaceans.

Boerhaave had the bottom, Zeke the middle, and Erasmus the upper berth, which was lined and curtained off with India rubber cloth.