n. (plural of bodye English)
Usage examples of "bodyes".
That lord is now of Thebes the Citee, Fulfild of ire and of iniquitee, He, for despit and for his tirannye, To do the dede bodyes vileynye, Of alle oure lordes, whiche that been slawe, He hath alle the bodyes on an heep ydrawe, And wol nat suffren hem, by noon assent, Neither to been yburyed nor ybrent, But maketh houndes ete hem in despit.
To ransake in the taas of bodyes dede, Hem for to strepe of harneys and of wede, The pilours diden bisynesse and cure, After the bataille and disconfiture.
This is to seyn, the prynces everichoon, And eek thre thousand bodyes were ther slayn With fallynge of the grete temple of stoon.
An hundred thousand bodyes of mankynde Han rokkes slayn, al be they nat in mynde.
In short, the prisoner at the bar is indited for sorcery and witchcraft acted upon the bodyes of the afflicted.
Such methods they were, that more than one of the said confessours did since tell many, with teares in their eyes, that they thought their very lives would have gone out of their bodyes.
And therefore it comes to passe, that whole Bodyes of people often doe those things by Generall accord, or Contention, which those Writers most willingly acknowledge to be against the Law of Nature.
For me think hit not semly, as hit is soth knawen, Ther such an askyng is heuened so hy3e in your sale, Tha3 yghe yghourself be talenttyf, to take hit to yourseluen, Whil mony so bolde yow aboute vpon bench sytten, That vnder heuen I hope non ha3erer of wylle, Ne better bodyes on bent ther baret is rered.