n. A cleansing lotion designed for the body, to help keep the skin smooth
n. lotion applied to the body after bathing
Usage examples of "body lotion".
Falling into his car each morning, Evon almost gasped at the sickly mix of sweet smells from his eau de cologne, hair spray, fancy shaving cream and body lotion.
I stopped in there a couple of weeks ago to buy a bottle of body lotion.
She had lemon verbena body lotion in one hand and evening primrose in the other.
Morgana, I want you to try out this new violet body lotion before you put it out, and I brought extra of the soapwort shampoo.
Stone allowed himself to be undressed, then she went into the bathroom and came back with a bottle of body lotion.
Andy spoke to it, gently, and soon it opened, and they stepped through into a square room filled with rough wooden shelves on which were piled stacks of linen, of toilet paper, of tissue boxes and boxes containing soap and shampoo and body lotion.
I toweled down hard, slapped on body lotion, then put my face in the makeup applicator.
Ripping off the dress and the temptress's satin underwear he hadn't even seen, she went into the bathroom and turned on the cold shower, letting the icy jet blast away all the Fracas and the body lotion and the gel, and, hopefully, the desire.
Templeton's lilac scented body lotion, which she'd applied to her skin before retiring, the fragrance of the sachet in the daughter's underwear drawer.
At which Hannah throws another screaming fit and Mark locks himself in his room and plays 'Lazy Sheep' non-stop till Louisa beats on his door and says, 'Mark, they'll be here any minute,' which was true because the doorbell rang just at that moment and in marches Rafi Domingo with his body lotion and his insinuating leer and side-burns and crocodile shoes - not all of Harry's tailoring wiles could save him from looking like the worst kind of stage dago, her father would have ordered him round to the back door on the strength of his hair oil alone.
In the bathroom he found the top off the scented body lotion, a razor clogged with hair that looked unpleasantly pubic, a Cellophane pack that had contained black, eight-denier, seamed stockings and a size ten label on the floor.