n. (bodily function English)
Bodily Functions is a studio album by British electronic musician Herbert. It was released by !K7 Records in 2001.
Usage examples of "bodily functions".
The woman certainly deserves recognition for her ability to suppress bodily functions (in even the mildest forms) for 12 hours straight.
These devices, most of them originally designed and installed to monitor and control basic bodily functions at the cellular level, or to augment learning and memory, among other things, can be used to achieve some effects that were never envisioned by the designers.
Even if they themselves could bear it, their most loving loved ones cannot long endure the stomach-turning horror of tending their needs and bodily functions.
When wakefulness is enforced, no bodily functions go seriously awry except those of the brain.
While, for Christians, the soul was entirely immaterial and impalpable, the second 'ego' which the Germans believed all men to possess could exercise bodily functions, speak, move, act, even appear in the'form of a human being or of an animal.
Accordingly also all things corporeal, whether they be interior as are the powers and knowledge acquired through the inner bodily functions, or exterior as are sickness and health, are dispensed by the celestial bodies, through the mediation of Angels.
But safely in place were all the parts of the virus that supported bodily functions in the native species of Lusitania.