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boards up

vb. (en-third-person singular of: board up)

Usage examples of "boards up".

When this had been done twice, Larochelle put another man on the job, to stand on the edge of the pile and pass boards up.

Allnutt got the floor boards up and cleaned out the reeking bilge, while Rose knelt up in the sternsheets and gradually worked clean the rugs and the clothing and the articles of domestic utility.

On the northbound leg they had trouble keeping the boards down because of the tendency of the lead rope to pull the front of the boards up, but by crawling far forward, they managed.

The moment the rear wheels rolled off the planks, the apprentices made haste to pull the boards up again.

Then they did the first merely human thing Shimizu had seen from them: they scooped the boards up under their arms and ran.

Byrne retracted the extensor, bringing the boards up against the pod, plugging them into the external test and repair unit.

Byrne retracted the extensor, bringing the boards up against the pod, plugging them into the exter­.

Made of barn-boards up to waist-high, with a relatively low eight-foot ceiling, he'd put windows with screens at the bottom where he could open them in hot weather, and solid windows for the roof.