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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Board \Board\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Boarded; p. pr. & vb. n. Boarding.]

  1. To cover with boards or boarding; as, to board a house. ``The boarded hovel.''

  2. [Cf. Board to accost, and see Board, n.] To go on board of, or enter, as a ship, whether in a hostile or a friendly way.

    You board an enemy to capture her, and a stranger to receive news or make a communication.

  3. To enter, as a railway car. [Colloq. U. S.]

  4. To furnish with regular meals, or with meals and lodgings, for compensation; to supply with daily meals.

  5. To place at board, for compensation; as, to board one's horse at a livery stable.


vb. (en-past of: board)

Usage examples of "boarded".

The human trustee had damaged the update ship, boarded the vessel, and forcibly deactivated him.

Fishermen hailed one another as they boarded their boats, prying loose nets that had frozen stiff in the night's frost.

One of the Tegeusan neos boarded first, stalking with clattering mechanical foot-steps across the chill metal decks.

It was in every respect a typical small American city, except that it was poor, with lots of boarded shopfronts and general dereliction, and that every person in every car, every pedestrian, every storekeeper, every fireman, every postman, every last soul was black.

There were no gas stations-I wouldn't have stopped anyway, not in a place like this, not for a million dollars-and most of the storefronts were boarded with plywood.

So when the bus pulled up before me, heaving a pneumatic sigh, and its doors flapped open, 1 boarded it with some misgivings.

At Manistee, the highway ran down to Lake Michigan, and then followed the shoreline off and on for miles, going through rather more pleasant little communities of mostly boarded-up summer homes-Pierport, Arcadia, Elberta ("A Peach of A Place"), Frankfort.

Almost every place of business, including the motels, was boarded up for the winter.

Most of them were closed and boarded up, but at Menominee, the last town before I crossed into Wisconsin, I passed one that was open and impulsively I turned the car around and went back to it.

The village was good-sized, with a visitors' center, motel, stores, post office and campgrounds, but everything was shut and every window was boarded.

They shook hands and Horstmann arranged with one of the Humans from First Village to have the beasts boarded until he was ready to load up and leave.

As for horses, he owned a few but except for the weeks he was on planet, they boarded in stables owned by friends.

Silently, Cardiff strode out ahead of them, eager to get into the shuttle and out of the way before the others boarded it.

When she first boarded, as the newly hired doctor for the Descartes Mining Platform Number 6, the sound drove her halfway to distraction.

She wished someone had been close enough in the corridors of the damaged carrier to have boarded the pod with her.