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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bluster \Blus"ter\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Blustered; p. pr. & vb. n. Blustering.] [Allied to blast.]

  1. To blow fitfully with violence and noise, as wind; to be windy and boisterous, as the weather.

    And ever-threatening storms Of Chaos blustering round.

  2. To talk with noisy violence; to swagger, as a turbulent or boasting person; to act in a noisy, tumultuous way; to play the bully; to storm; to rage.

    Your ministerial directors blustered like tragic tyrants.


vb. (en-past of: bluster)

Usage examples of "blustered".

Instead of commiserating with the economic plight of the British, the Canadians blustered and snarled, hurling threats of retaliation against any tariff adjustments the United Kingdom might have to make in its EEC negotiations.